WKNDRS specializes in art & design focused goods, accessories and homeware for state of mind livin'. Created as something that people can connect with and see themselves be a part of, it's cultivated an inclusive, optimistic and fun environment with the aim of bringing you into its world.

Based out of Vancouver, Canada, we aim to bring summer vibes to you all year round.

Founded by artist's Rachel Rivera and Claire Ouchi, we're always looking to collaborate with creatives, designers and like-minded folk.

Contact us if you're interested in becoming part of WKNDRS.

Let's be excellent to each other and have a good time. 

Instagram - @wkndrsforlife  @radcastle @claireouchi

For wholesale, consignment and general inquiries: hello@wkndrsshop.com

For artist / designer / collaboration inquires: submission@wkndrsshop.com

For press inquiries: press@wkndrsshop.com